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早尾貴紀. パレスチナ/イスラエル論. 有志舎, 2020, p. 11









★BJBとして推進・提案するアクションを近日中にとりまとめ、公開します。また個人やグループによる各地でのBDSのイニシアティブや、有効と思われるアクションの提案を歓迎します。私たちBJBは「日本のBDS 運動の公式」の立場は取っていませんが、情報共有サポートや相談などに応じることが可能です。


  1. 国際人道法は狭義では1846年にジュネーブ条約により規定された戦時国際法を指し、追加議定書やハーグ条約の範囲についても慣習法化している。ジュネーブ法は戦時下における傷病兵・文民・捕虜・外国人を保護し、追加議定書は無差別攻撃を禁じる。ガザの封鎖という集団懲罰や民間施設を標的にした攻撃、入植と先住民の追放などは国際人道法違反であり、戦争犯罪に当たる。また分離壁の建設などは、国際人道法違反だけではなく人権規約違反にも当たると指摘されてきた。
  2. 民族浄化はある地域で一つの民族が他民族を排除する過程を指し、1990年代の旧ユーゴスラヴィア紛争で定着した概念。現在、国際法下では個別の犯罪に定義されていないが、「人道に対する罪」「ジェノサイド」「戦争犯罪」からなる、人類に対する最も重大な「残虐な犯罪」にあたると考えられている。
  3. 前述の通り「残虐な犯罪」の一つで、1948年国連総会で決議されたジェノサイド条約が法的根拠である。ある集団を破壊することを目的とした虐殺、危害、肉体を破壊する意図のある生活条件の強制、出生防止措置、子供の強制的な別集団への移動を指し、殺害だけではなく共謀、公然の教唆、未遂、共犯も処罰対象となる。 ↩︎

There is an urgent call for action against the Rafah ground invasion! We must effectively enact BDS against Israel, which continues to renew the definition of “the worst” in Palestine!

Israeli violence against Palestinians has taken many forms. Even before the horrific attacks on the Gaza Strip that began in October 7, the Gaza Strip has been under a blockade; demonstrators near the Gaza border have been shot; repeated airstrikes have been made on urban areas under the pretense of counterattacks against Hamas; children have been under administrative detention; political prisoners have been unjustly incarcerated long-term; land has been expropriated through settlements; freedom of movement has been restricted in the autonomous region; homes in East Jerusalem have been destructed; and much more has been ongoing.

Each of these instances of violence by the Israeli government is an unethical violation of international law. Not only that, the ultimate goal of all of these acts of violence is to make Palestine an uninhabitable environment for Palestinians. This is an attempt to eliminate Palestinians from the land, or in other words, an attempt to ethnically cleanse Palestine. The bombing of Gaza, the destruction of homes, incarceration, and more, are acts of violence that aim not only to harm the individual victims, but also to hurt, make vulnerable, and make miserable, the Palestinian people as a whole.

As the clock counts down towards a ground invasion of Rafah, it is important to understand what is mentioned above, because, while we must describe the attack on Rafah as bringing about “the worst” situation, we recognize that the situation that the Palestinian people were already in have been “the worst”. In his book, Palestine/Israel Theory, scholar Takanori Hayao describes the situation in Palestine as follows: 

Palestine has always been in a state of crisis ever since the founding of Israel in 1948 and the Nakba (meaning great catastrophe in Arabic) that occurred around that time. The severity of the crisis continues to worsen and therefore, it is difficult to decide at what point to begin recounting it. Rather, it has been in “the worst” situation during any historical point in time, and the worst continues to be renewed in each phase.

Takanori Hayao, Palestine/Israel Theory, Yushisha, 2020 p.11

Since October 7th, the situation in the Gaza Strip, the West Bank, and all of the diasporic Palestinian communities around the globe have renewed their definition of “the worst”. The furious attacks and blockade on the Gaza Strip, that can only be described as genocide, have caused an unfathomable spread of hunger and disease. In the shadow of Gaza, East Jerusalem and the West Bank have recorded around 400 deaths and 7,000 arrests. In addition, we must not forget that Palestinians around the world and the people of Palestinian descent are also suffering both economically and mentally, whether it be from the death of their family and friends; the destruction of their homelands; political oppression such as firing from jobs and expulsion of their communities for expressing solidarity with Palestine; and the indifference and lack of understanding from those around them. 

It is also important to point out that amidst this “worst” situation that continually worsens, the standards of public discourse around human rights concering Palestinians have been crumbling. Such that, even those who do not express an active hatred towards Palestinians and who call themselves “neutral” or “cool-headed”, talk about how none of this can be helped because “this was caused by Hamas’ terrorism” or that “they are defending Hamas” or that “Israel has the right to self-defense” even though these human rights violations against Palestinians should never be allowed in the first place. Furthermore, the situation in Gaza has deteriorated so far that talking about what is going on in East Jerusalem or the West Bank is dificult, as news from these places are brushed off as insignificant. Acting in concert with this numbing of public discourse, Israel continues to expand its violence against the Gaza Strip with air strikes and ground invasions, from the north to the south.

Meanwhile, Prime Minister Netanyahu has declared a ground invasion of Rafah—a new “worst” situation.

Rafah is the southernmost city in the Gaza Strip, bordering Egypt, where an enormous number of refugees are flooding in from around the Gaza Strip as a last resort. It is said that more than 1-1.5 million people are currently in this area, which originally held a population of about 180,000. The evacuees are living in huts and camps on empty land. The situation is already critical, with malnutrition and infectious diseases spreading due to lack of food, hygiene products, and other facilities. It is not hard to imagine that a ground invasion, in such an overcrowded Rafah, will dramatically increase the number of those killed by attacks, starvation, disease, and more. Hamas has warned that tens of thousands of people are likely to be killed, and many UN agencies such as OCHA and UNICEF have expressed strong opposition to the invasion. 

This Rafah invasion is the next red line—a line that must not be crossed. In Palestine, where “the worst” situation has been updated repeatedly, irreversible red lines have been crossed many times. This is proof of the continual failure of the international community and Israeli society, who are responsible for stopping the Israeli government and its military from running amok.

We cannot keep betraying Palestine any more. Whether or not this red line can be defended will test the very existence of international diplomacy, the United Nations system, and international solidarity. This is not an exaggeration.  

Japan must also take urgent action to stop the ground invasion of Rafah. To date, people who have been working on the BDS movement in Japan have achieved victories such as stopping Muji’s expansion into Israel and discontinuing AHAVA sales in Japan. Most recently, ITOCHU Corporation and Nippon Aircraft Supply have canceled their MoUs with Elbit Systems, proving that the people have the power to put a stop to Japanese companies that are directly complicit in genocide. We must ramp up the BDS movement, focusing on actions that demand the Japanese government take effective measures to stop the Rafah invasion and to reconsider its foreign policy with Israel.


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